The contest's theme is explained in the video below. I suggest watching it twice, since if you're like me, the first time I could only focus on trying to figure out what was the deal with that dude's accent. I'm hoping to partner with TF's people on future projects, so help a brother out - go enter the contest and tell'em Chef John from Food Wishes sent you.

But, not cooking action, they want to see personality, and lots of it. I think after watching the gentleman in the video sample below, you'll see where I'm going with this. Let's just say my style may be a bit subdued for the producers of these shows. Bam!
All kidding aside, I am a fan of Tyler, and his cooking style (hey, you think they just let anyone create menu items for Applebee's?), so I'm happy to help spread the word about this contest. The prizes are pretty sweet, including a trip to San Francisco! You can get all the specific info at the Macy's Keeps America Cooking contest website. Good Luck!
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