Easy Chicken Roulade – So Faux Fancy

This chicken roulade video recipe is a great example of something that looks very complicated on the plate, but is actually quite simple to make. The other great thing about this recipe is we can all use a new technique for working with the ubiquitous and often sleep-inducing boneless chicken breast.

I hope this video serves its intended purposes as an idea generator and technique tutorial; not a specific recipe to be recreated exact
ly. These types of dishes, once the basic method is mastered, are tons of fun to experiment with. Which one of the millions of possible chicken roulade stuffing/sauce combinations will you come up with?

I decided to do an Italian inspired version, but no matter how you "roll," when this beauty comes to the table your guests will undoubtedly be impressed. The only thing people like more than food, is creatively manipulated food.

This chicken roulade video was produced for About.com, and can’t be embedded in the blog, but when you click on the video you'll be taken to the recipe page where you can watch the clip, and get the ingredients. Please return to comment, question, and discuss. Enjoy!

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