By the way, since I was actually at the IFBC to report on things for my American Food site on About.com, I will be posting a less-ridiculous blog article about the event sometime this week. But, for now, here's what I got. You've been warned.
We're all way past the point of wondering whether the food blog phenomenon is a passing fad – it's clearly not – but when it comes to real, quantifiable, billable (bribable?), monetizable influence, have online taste-makers eclipsed those in traditional media?
I sure hope so. This is fun. Let's see, which restaurant chain should we bring down this week? After that, just to mess with people, let's all write that stewed prunes are the new macaron. We could start a whole new movement.
I rarely use the word paradox correctly, and this is probably no exception, but the more knowledgeable and successful a food blogger becomes, the fewer food blogs they read, and the less knowledgeable about food blogs they become. Paradox or not, at the very least, this paragraph has some decent key word density.

Despite my insecurities regarding not being up on everyone's latest post, the reception was a blast. Talking to so many smart, funny, passionate people about a shared joy never gets old. Also, the beer was very strong…like, I-forgot-the-name strong.

The appetizers were very nice; my personal favorite being renaissance-faire-sized lamb chops. I first learned of its fragrant existence from a close-talker, who waved the lamp chop in my face rhythmically, like a hypnotist's watch. We discussed Twitter, SEO, and cooks with tattoos, but mostly she made me hungry.

My sources deep inside the independent film industry tell me that whole documentary was an elaborate hoax simply designed to give Spurlock (if that is even his real fake name), and his a-little-too-hip facial hair, an excuse to eat at McDonald's every day for a month. Well played, you ruggedly handsome bastard, well played.
Saturday and Sunday were filled with a wide variety of topical sessions, held inside the beautiful Theo Chocolate factory. The space had a very unique vibe, with super-high ceilings, garnished with vintage-looking candelabra light fixtures. It's the kind of place one of those affected design reality show contestants would get all aroused over. The bowls of amazing chocolate shards in the back of the room didn't hurt either.
Barnaby Dorfmann, founder of Foodista, was the event's MC, and gets huge props for keeping everything moving, on schedule, and relatively on-topic – no small feat for these types of affairs. In fact, it was so smoothly run, part of me suspects foul play.
Let's just say that many of the bloggers' creative skills outpaced their powers of self-editing. For a little taste, or lack there of, search the hashtag #IFBC and "lemon." In a related story, projecting the Twitterfeed live all weekend was the best idea ever.
Admittedly, I didn't technically "learn" anything during that specific session. So what? Was that a requirement? It was fine with me it just ended up being funny. On balance, I thought the sessions where interesting, informative, and entertaining.
My friend Shauna James Ahern, aka Gluten-Free Girl (seen here getting all smart-phony with husband Danny), made everyone in the audience feel special during the "Food Blogging For Specialized Diets" session. It's not about what you can't eat; it's about what you can. Amen, sister.
Please keep in mind, that's coming from someone who's magazine we're supposedly putting out of business. He even referred to himself as a sort of food blogger back before there was an Internet. It was a great speech.
One tip: if you have the flu, and James Oseland starts walking towards you with a sharpened coin, run. Sorry, I do realize there are only 250 people in the world that will understand that reference.
Robin Goldstein, IP attorney and wine blogger, during the Law & Ethics of Food Blogging session, completely and utterly eviscerated the Wine Spectator…tore out their rotting guts and strangled them with it. Long story short: their "Awards of Excellence" are total bullshit. This was blogger-as-influencer personified.
To help his cause further, I decided to sit next to him at dinner, so that he would seem even hotter by comparison. Well, I was sitting next to him, until one of the aforementioned bloggers asked (and by asked, I mean told) me to move, so she could sit next to him.
Besides all the wonderful inedible information, there was tons of fantastic "eating and drinking," as we influential food bloggers like to call it. I should probably do a separate post on just the food. I was really impressed with virtually everything the large collection of chef's prepared.
A few folks complained about not getting to try this, or that, but I mostly attribute that to not having my buffet-grazing skills. You know that Man vs. Wild lunatic? I'm "that guy" for buffets at food fests. When the covers come off, I go full Bear Grylls.
On Sunday, we were treated to an extra special lunch from the finest food trucks Seattle has to offer. There is no trend as hot as food trucks right now (well, maybe except for stewed prunes).
In conclusion: I had a great time, learned some new tricks, was inspired many times, and would definitely recommend the event to any food blogger with the ways and means to attend. I met so many great people for the first time, as well as reconnected with friends from the past foodie adventures.
Well, I need to go take some more cold medicine, so I'll end this rambling stir-fry of a recap right here. Besides, it's almost 4 PM and I still have a bunch of influencing to do. Stay tuned for more conventional coverage soon!
All photos (c) John Mitzewich, except 3rd,4th,and 5th photos (c) Foodistablog's Flickr photostream
More Great 2010 International Food Bloggers Conference Recaps:
Use Real Butter: IFBC 2010 Recap and Then Some
Stephanie Stiavetti: I Heart IFBC! on Wasabimon
Salty Seattle: International Food Bloggers Conference: Sex, but No Drugs or Rock n Roll
Poor Girl Eats Well: International Food Bloggers Conference Reception, Morgan Spurlock and Urbanspoon Seattle Scene party!
ShowFood Chef: Food, Photos, Friends (and other sexy stuff) at IFBC
FoodBat: Another Less Favorable Perspective on the IFBC
Paula Thomas Photography: 2010 International Food Blogger Conference Recap
Will Write For Food: Giving Recipes Away a Big Subject at IFBC
Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef: IFBC and Book Giveaway
Gourmeted: Why I don’t Eat SEO for Lunch, plus the Triumvirate of Food Blogging Events
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