Chocolate and [Insert edible noun here]

Eating this in silence would have been pleasurable enough, but as I said at the beginning, to taste while Michael discussed the components of the plate took it to another level of enjoyment.

If you would like to take part in any of the upcoming Taste Project events you can get more info and see a complete schedule of pairings on the Recchiuti Confections website. Enjoy!
A Look Behind the Scenes at Recchiuti Confections
Top Photo courtesy of
Caramel Pork Belly - Understanding Unctuous Unctuousness

If you're a food writer, and you're doing a review or article about pork belly, you have to use the word unctuous or unctuousness whether you understand what it means or not. Ironically, another meaning for the adjective is, "Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness."
I wasn't really sure I understood the true essence of unctuousness, but after eating this caramel pork belly I'm pretty sure I get it now. Each bite was pure pleasure. I'm usually a very fast eater (aka former line cook syndrome), but I tried to eat as slowly as I possibly could. It was just so unctuous.

By the way, if you are concerned about eating that much fat, don't be. The piece of pork belly I used made two fairly modest portions, about 3 1/2-ounces each, once cooked. That's about three tablespoon of fat. That Chicken Caesar salad you had last week because you wanted "something light" had way more fat than that, so relax and enjoy!
If the Vimeo Player isn't working, here is the YouTube version:
10-oz slab of pork belly (Berkshire pork if you can get it)
1 bunch green onions
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp Asian fish sauce
1/2 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp ginger juice
4 cloves sliced garlic
4 whole dried red chilies (unbroken)
1/2 cup water
Foodie Note: I almost used this recipe from Michael Ruhlman for Chicken Fried Pork Belly Caesar, which looked and sounded incredible! Maybe next time.
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Is Authentic Beef Teriyaki Really Better?

The reason for this is real teriyaki sauce is quite a bit different than most food court aficionados are used to. Outside of your better Japanese restaurants, what's usually served as teriyaki is a very thick, very sweet, very salty, very one-dimensional sauce.
"Real" teriyaki sauce is fairly thin, and gets its signature taste from a heady combination of soy sauce, Sake, and Mirin, a sweet rice wine condiment. It's an extremely simple sauce, yet the flavors are much more complex that the familiar Americanized version; often made with just soy, brown sugar, and cornstarch.

I really hope you give it a try and I'm very anxious to hear what you think. By the way, assuming you do like it, this same sauce can be used on virtually anything with equally delicious results. Enjoy!
Note: this beef teriyaki video recipe was produced for and can't be played on the blog. When you click on the video a new window will open and the recipe will begin.

Celebrating Memorial Day

This video was produced by the Pentagon and gives an interesting glimpse inside the culinary branch of our military. This is just part one - for the rest of the series you can visit their official YouTube channel here.
Photo (c) Flickr user acidcookie
Have a Memorable Memorial Day Weekend!

Be kind to all those rusty grill chefs, its been months since they've rocked the bbq tool belt (that's a great look).
It's your solemn duty to pretend to like everything no matter how black and dry. It's our ability to spare the cook's feelings that separates us from savages.
The lovely plate you see here was our lunch today, and was every bit as delicious as it looks. The lamb steaks were marinated in yogurt, garlic, and herbs - then charcoal grilled and serve on some homemade whole-wheat flatbread (also grilled), topped with wild arugula and a minted honey sherry vinaigrette. It was heavenly.
Despite a very nice Frick Syrah, I was able to film the lamb steaks and the honey sherry vinaigrette recipes, so stay tuned for those. In the meantime, enjoy!
Santa Maria Beans - Little Pink Beans for Big Red Meat

These "little pink" beans are prepared in a spicy, smoky, tomato/chili sauce that's spiked with not one, but two kinds of pork. Santa Maria beans have come into my life relatively late, so I plan on making up for lost time this barbecue season.

Having said that, I have no idea if that's true since I've never tried it the "wrong" way. But, hey, why would someone makes up something like that?
Don't worry if you can't find the authentic pinquito beans - the recipe you see here was made with regular pink beans, and pretty much any dry bean will work. Enjoy!
1 pound dry pinquito beans, pink beans, or pinto beans Legumes
2 strips pepper bacon, diced
1/2 cup smoked cooked ham, diced
2 clove garlic, minced
1 (14.5-oz) can diced tomatoes
1/4 cup ketchup
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp chipotle pepper, optional
pinch of dried oregano
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water

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Peach and Blackberry Flognarde - As Delicious to Eat as it is Fun to Say!

A flognarde? Yes, a flognarde. I enjoy saying flognarde so much, I think even if this recipe hadn't come out as well as it did, I would have still made it regularly - just to say, flognarde. As I mentioned in the video, I couldn't find a proper French pronunciation, so please enlighten me on how it should really sound. Until then, I'm going with "flog-nard."
This recipe is dedicated to the more adventurous among you. I knew going in that the thought of adding black pepper and thyme to a dessert-ish recipe would freak some of you out. But, that's okay.
The pepper gives this a very subtle hint of heat, and the thyme adds an almost unperceivable herbaceous, slightly lemony aroma. Is this something you will enjoy? There is really only one way to know. Enjoy!
1/2 cup wheat flour
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup milk
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp thyme leaves
1/4 tsp fresh black pepper
pinch of salt
1 tsp butter
1 pint blackberries, rinsed
1 ripe peach, sliced
"Food, Inc." Rips the Shrink Wrap Off America's Dysfunctional Food System

Wouldn't it be great if water-cooler conversations about what we eat, and how it's produced reached the same level of passionate discourse as, say, Dancing with the Stars?
Last night I attended an advanced press screening for the film, and for me it had everything I love in a documentary - it was funny, sad, scary, thought-provoking, and left me wanting to learn a lot more.
"Food, Inc." brings to life the works of Michael Pollan ("The Omnivore's Dilemma") and Eric Schlosser ("Fast Food Nation"), the Batman and Robin of all things bound for the belly. To read their books about our dysfunctional food system is one thing, but to see it splashed (literally, in some cases) across the big screen was something else altogether.
It made me wonder how many of us, strolling through grocery aisles, realize that a small handful of huge corporations control almost everything we eat. Those shelves may look like an endless array of delicious diversity, but they're really nothing more than a collection of genetically-modified, nutritionally void variations of wheat, soybeans, and corn.
The movie does a great job of exposing just how far these companies are willing to go to keep you from understanding what's really going on. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's also very profitable.
Using a fascinating juxtaposition between the dark, disturbing subject matter and the film's colorful graphics, interesting characters, and ironically upbeat music, the filmmaker delivers an entertaining and engaging narrative. If you eat food, or know someone that eats food, you really need to see this movie.
"Food, Inc." opens in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles on June 12th, and then in selected theaters nationally in July. If you would like more information about this important film, please check out the Food Inc. website.
Watch the "Food, Inc." Trailer:
Movie Poster Graphic (c) Participant Media
Hoisin-Glazed Barbecued Ribs - No Photos, but Many Delicious Memories

All those sharp, well-lighted, color-corrected still frames you see in my videos are done with a digital camera, as my cheap camcorder doesn’t perform nearly as well. Here you can see a huge difference in quality, as I had to rely on some frame captures instead of photos.
Adding to the problem is the dark red color of the Hoisin glaze (a very hard hue to film), and the distortion the heat waves add. The result is one slightly annoyed video recipe producer. Thus concludes the venting portion of today's recipe post.
Notwithstanding the photographically challenged nature of this recipe, it sure tasted good. When I do pork spare ribs I usually go with the standard American barbecue rub and sauce, but an abundance of leftover Hoisin sauce and a stray can of pineapple juice nudged me further east.

That was all they had. So, if you have any ideas why Hoisin means "seafood," please let me know (even if you have to make something up). Enjoy!
Full rack of pork ribs
For the marinade:
1/2 cup Hoisin sauce
6-oz pineapple juice
1 tbsp sambal chili sauce or hot sauce
For the rub:
2 tbsp salt
1/2 tsp 5-spice powder
1 tbsp brown sugar
pinch of cayenne
For the basting sauce:
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 cup seasoned rice vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Asian fish sauce
2 tbsp Hoisin sauce
The Food Blogger Code of Ethics

Well, you are in luck! I just created the Food Blogger Code of Ethics, inspired by the Food Blog Code of Ethics. As you’ll soon read, the Food Blog Code of Ethics is a recently published set of guidelines written by Brooke Burton and Leah Greenstein.
I decided to have a little fun, and reduced the “Code” down to its ethical essence, like a sort of Socratic demiglace. Enjoy!
Socrates Photo (c) bencrowe's Flickr photosteam
Orzo with Chicken and Asiago - Just Like the One You Saw in the Grocery Store Line

Time Inc., which publishes the popular periodicals Southern Living, Cooking Light, Sunset, and Real Simple, recently contacted me regarding there new recipe website. They asked me to check it out to see what I thought.
I decided to surf the site as if I was looking for an easy weeknight dinner recipe. I found this Orzo with Chicken and Asiago recipe and decided to give it a try, pretty much as printed. It came out very well, which for many recipes printed online, is a rarity.
I really like how the site is organized, and I encourage you to check it out. I may actually be doing some guest blogging for, and hopefully I can eventually publish some videos for them.
So, check out this recipe, and for the full, written recipe with ingredients, go to Tell’em Chef John sent you. Enjoy!
Uh-Oh! SpaghettiOs

I don’t even remember if I was fed SpaghettiOs as a child. I’d ask my mom, but like any good Italian she would probably never admit to it. Regardless, I’ve always been fascinated by the SpaghettiO. Why hasn’t the ring caught on as a pasta shape?
You would think that the shape’s popularity as a canned foods staple would have caught on with pasta makers, homemakers, and chefs, but that hasn't been the case. Did Chef Boyardee have a gang of thugs from Piacenza, Italy, that “recommended” others not use it? Since there’s no way to know for sure, let’s assume he did.
Anyway, I applaud Denise and her fearless attempt to bring SpaghettiOs into your lives sans cans. Her recipe looks delicious, and I’m sure it will be making an appearance here in video form someday. Get the recipe, and read her post here. Enjoy!
Photo (c) ChezUs
Chicken with 20 Cloves of Garlic - Have a Little Chicken with Your Garlic

This chicken with 20 cloves of garlic isn't quite so subtle, and features the "stinking rose" in a pungent one-two punch. The fistful of garlic is first pureed and used as a marinade, then used as a sticky glaze as the chicken roasts. The result is chicken as a very effective garlic delivery system.

By the way, that reminds me of one of the first dirty kitchen jokes I ever heard, and still one of my favorites. Since I get a fair share of minors on the blog, you'll fill in the blanks yourself, but it really shouldn't be too hard.
"What's the difference between parsley and ________? Nobody eats parsley." Enjoy!
20 cloves garlic, peeled
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 large whole chicken, cut into serving pieces
salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
Parsley Photo (c) Flickr User Joylitas
Back That Asset Up

Luckily I had most of my movie files, photos, and recipes backed-up on an external drive, but it was still a traumatic experience.
My Mac was covered by the AppleCare service contract, so thankfully I was able to have a new hard disc installed. I'd like to thank the fine folks at the Apple store in downtown San Francisco for their fine customer service.
You have to make an appointment at the "Genius Bar" where their technician (called geniuses) work. Although they provided me with top-notch assistance, as an actual genius, it sort of bothered me that they use that term so loosely. Anyway, after a long frustrating weekend of reinstalling, reloading, reviewing, and reevaluating my career choice, I'm happy to say I'm almost back to normal.
I did lose about a month's worth of photos, so if you see less than stellar pictures in the next few posts, it's because I had to use still frames from the video. I'll leave you with a personal plea to back up your files! Even though I only lost a small amount of content, just the thought of what could have been is enough to make me shudder.
Photo (c) Flickr user Joe Lanman
Eggplant Parmesan Casserole - Killing Two Food Wishes with One Delicious Stone

You can do a few things small scale at home with a fry-daddy, but for the most part those deep-fried delicacies you want me to demo are best ordered out. Normally, eggplan

One problem with eggplant is they soak up and incredible amount of oil. They can't help it, it's their nature. To counter this, we reserve the crispiness for the top crust. By using a nice thick layer of crunchy Parmesan breadcrumbs, we get a very similar fork full of food, but at significant caloric savings. Enjoy!
2 eggplants
olive oil as needed
3/4 cup ricotta cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup shredded pepper Jack
salt and pepper to taste
2 garlic cloves, sliced
3 cups tomato sauce (prepared pasta sauce is best)
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
for the topping:
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
2 tbsp olive oil
Happy Mother's Day and Congratulations Pauline and Peggy!

I'm so proud of her and even though she should have been honored long ago, better late than never.
Here is a link to watch the full video report about this prestigious award. Congratulations Mom! I love you and will see you soon.
In related news, Food Wishes Video Recipes is proud to announce the results of our first Annual Mother-in-Law of the Year Award. This year's inaugural winner is... Peggy Manfredi! Peggy is, and has been, a huge supporter of this site.
While her many contributions may go unnoticed to you, they are invaluable to me. Wow, imagine that, my mother and mother-in-law both being honored in the same year. Amazing.
I want to wish all you moms out there a very happy Mother's Day, and hopefully you had the forethought to make your kids and husbands watch a few of my video recipes, so they could make you a beautiful meal Sunday. Have a great day, and we'll see you back here Monday for more foodie fun. Hopefully your kitchens survive the weekend. Enjoy!
* Click photo to see full video
"Potted Plant" Ice Cream Cake - Giving Mom the Gift of Edible Dirt

This "potted plant" ice cream cake is so easy to make, and it's as beautiful as it is delicious. No matter how disappointed your mother is in you, one look at this creative cake you made for her, and she is guaranteed to be slightly less disappointed.
By the way, do a little research and use her favorite cake, ice cream, and flowers in its construction. I really hope you give this a try, and show her just how much you really do care. Enjoy!
ceramic flower pot(s)
pound cake
ice cream
oreo cookies
Thanks to a commenter, we have identified the website where I first saw this. You can see the original post here on
Foodbuzz Says "Thanks a Million" at the Press Club

The Press Club features wines by eight of Northern California's top boutique wineries. I'll confess, I'm more of a wine drinker than wine taster, but I really enjoyed swirling and sniffing my way through each station. My personal favorites were the Saintsbury Pinot Noir, Carneros 2006, and the Hanna Sauvignon Blanc, 2008.

Pictured below are the food offerings, which included (in order): "Shrimp Cocktail" with Horseradish Panna Cotta, Tuna Nicoise and Quail Egg, Duck Confit Cassoulet, Steak Tartare, Island Creek Oysters with Pickled Ramp Granite, and Pork Rillete with Honshimeji Mushrooms (click to see larger version). Everything was as delicious as it looked!

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